Return to the Club Meetings! CANCELLED due to High Heat
CANCELLED due to High Heat
All, I have to cancel the meeting. Our venue does not have AC in the brewery. They closed today and will also be closed on the day of our meeting. Sorry all! Reschedule Soon!
So glad to be posting this. We are going to have our first Club Meeting in a long time. The last time we all sat and talked and shared beer was Feb. 2020.
When - June 28th, 2021, 7pm
Where - Tualatin Stickmen Beer Hall -same back room area
Let's talk about the club and where we want to go from here. Get me some ideas on the topics you would like to discuss. Please, if you are not comfortable with this yet, stay home. If you feel sick, stay home. No such thing as a mandatory meeting. Vaccination is your choice, but I think we would all feel much more comfortable if attendees at this point are full vaccinated. More to come on the rules of this first meeting. We will decide later if Homebrew will be allowed at this meeting as time progresses. I assume much will change.
Looking forward to seeing you. More to come.