February 2019 Club Meeting
Hey Club!! This meeting with be a Brew News Meeting. What is happening in our industry. Bring in those Homebrews and any commercial...

January Club Meeting
OK Club. This meeting is not topic focused. More so, bring in those Homebrews and also bring in a commercial beer to share with people....

Holiday Party!!!
It is that time of the year! Bring that plus one. Bring your favorite Entree or Dessert or salad or Etc. We will have a great Raffle and...

December Club Meeting
Join us for our monthly club meeting. Every 3rd Monday of the month. This Month we are going to be talking distilling. Intro course into...

October Club Meeting
OK all - time to bring in those Porters that you brewed in one of the 4 Porter BJCP 2015 Categories. Bring in one growler equivalent, and...

Iron Brewer 2018 !!
Update - Cancelled - see you next year 2019, Fall. (8/13/2018) OK all - get that brewing partner and your gear and meet us on the 22nd of...

September Club Meeting
Welcome all. We are going to be discussing Gruits this meeting and bring in those people choice beers as well for judging. IBU Public...

August 2018 Club Meeting
All, time to talk Porters!! This discussion is leading up to the next internal club beer competition. We will discuss Porters and then...

July 2018 Club Meeting - Mead Discussion
All, looking forward to this one. Somewhat new topic for the club. Rob and Tony will be talking about Mead, and we will be tasting...

June 2018 Club Meeting
We will be using this meeting to sample and judge the AHA beers being brewed for the AHA HomebrewCon in Portland, OR. for Club Beer...