September 2019 Club Meeting - Dry Hopping
Hopping technique this meeting. Where - Tualatin Stickmen Beer Hall When - September 16th, 2019 7pm Bring in those homebrews for people's...

Iron Brewer!!
Its back! After a one year Hiatus, the infamous Iron Brewer is back. Time for the Annual Iron Brewer Competition. Get a partner if you...

Annual Willamette Valley Hop Outing
Time for our annual hop outing. Thanks to Willamette Valley hops for hosting us. We are looking at possibly a pizza picnic on site or...

August 2019 Club Meeting - Beer Feedback
Bring in those beers you have been working on and let's discuss them one beer at a time. This is an opportunity to gather focused...

Annual Summer Picnic August 2019
Where - Drew and Jen's House - Address to come When - August 10th, 2019 Noon. We will be doing an equipment exchange as usual. Bring in...

July 2019 Club Meeting
Time to talk Wine! Yes, not beer, but wine this time. Like last month, Sake, we are deviating from our beloved Beer. 35,000 foot view of...

June 2019 Club Meeting
We are talking Sake this month - Stay tuned for tour information of "SAKÉOne" as well. https://sakeone.com/ Date - June 17th, 7pm...

May Club Meeting
Time for our annual internal competition. This month we will be judging the clubs beers as a club. We will be using the BJCP Short Form....

April Club Meeting
Welcome all. April club meeting will be focused on talking Brut IPA v.s Hazy IPA vs. Juicy IPA with some added effort into examining and...

March Club Meeting
The goal of this March Meeting is to discuss three beer styles; Kolsch, Alt Bier and Vienna Lager. That will then allow you to brew one,...